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Phoenix selected

Betrayed Wraith

Mana to summon3600 (undead)
Imunitiesenergy, fire, poison, paralyze, invisible
1 in 1, 1-5 platinum coin
1 in 1, 1-100 gold coin
1 in 23, concentrated demonic blood
1 in 10, double axe
1 in 25, blue robe (uncommon)
1 in 20, wand of cosmic energy
1 in 33, vampire shield (uncommon)
1 in 200, ????? (rare)
1 in 10, fishbone
1 in 15, morning star
1 in 10, 1-13 small diamond
1 in 5, 1-25 worm
And other rare items.

Average gold value per kill (not counting rares): 1910
Amount of rares: 1
